The Coven

10:02 AM

Every Wise Woman has a Coven.  She understands that one woman is only as powerful as the collective.  She knows that when her magic is synergized with that of her sisters, her power is the multipled.  This accumulation of power feeds her feminine nature and that of the Divine Goddess.  The sacred feminine exists eternally but it is up to us to maintain our connection with Her.  And what better way to do that than to nurture that connection than to connect with our sisters.  See our power in each other.  accentuate each others strengths and compensate for each others weaknesses.  It is then that our power can change the world and who knows… maybe even the multiverse.   So join us as we hold hands and feed each others laughter.  Dance with us to the sacred drum under the light of the Full Moon. Together let us share in the joy of our Sacred Mother Earth and weep together for her pain.  Hurry let us do this so that we may connect and transform ourselves and everything around us.

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