Laws of the Goddess: Duality

11:54 AM

Duality is The quality or state of having two aspects.  Everything is dual.  Everything has two parts.  As above, so below.  

The principle of duality works hand and hand with the concept of polarity.  Everything exists on a continuum.  Western culture has moralized the many aspects of the Goddess.  She has been divided into good and bad.  We identify certain aspects as desirable while completely ignoring the parts that we don’t like.  Even some of the parts we like are  ignored because they are not socially acceptable.  Know this fact: The Creatress has participated in every conceivable act.  It is she that gave birth to the variety of expressions that we experience on the various planes.  All which we like… and don’t like.  She gestated the cosmos.

Understanding duality is essential for connecting with ones shadow self and uniting the various aspects of ones being.  This yoking is a prerequisite for accepting who you are and knowing who you are.  All of the bitter sweet parts that people love to hate.  All the things that you believe are great about you until you realize… they are not always.  The things you frequently find your self apologizing for even when you don’t fully understand why you are saying sorry.  Self love is realizing the same things that people hate about you are the same things they love and… giving your self permission to love all of it.

Everyone loves Oshun's joy but they they fear her anger… I challenge you to embrace both.

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